Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Agendas: Wednesday, May 8

  What's Going On: 

  • English:
    • Lit Circle Social Media Posts
      • Highlighting key events of your book
  • Math:
    • Using a Protractor Day 1
  • Socials:
    • Culture #2 - anthems - day 1
      • Will finish on Friday - no need to take home
Reminders / Info:
  • Track and Field Schedule
    • Tomorrow: T/F Day at Dallas
      • Bring a waterbottle, acceptable footwear, hat, sunscreen
      • Come prepared to be outside all day tomorrow
  • Freezie Friday - in Ms. Saemerow's room
  • Spirit Day - Twin Day
    • Friday of this week
  • Flag Football - 
    • Game today after school at Aberdeen Elem
  • Game Changers - June 13th
    • Wrap Up Potluck Luncheon
      • Sign up in Ms. Saemerow's Room
  • Grade 7 Students:
    • VSS Tour - June 13th - 8:30 - 11:30 AM

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