Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Agendas: Tuesday, May 14

  What's Going On: 

  • English:
    • Ensure you have your book here at school tomorrow!
  • Math:
    • Adding angles on to angles
  • Socials:
    • Culture #4 - age of activity in different cultures
  • Arts Ed:
    • Slinkachu Figurines
      • Day 1
  • PE:
    • Activewear for tomorrow
  • Science:
    • iStand Guest Presenter from UBC Okanagan
      • Tomorrow with Mrs. Klymchuk
Reminders / Info:
  • Track and Field 
    • Zone Track Meet - Wednesday, May 22
      • Hillside Stadium
  • Flag Football - 
    • Game today after school at RLC
  • Hot Lunch:
    • Wednesday of this week - Sr. Froggy's Pasta
  • Pro D Day - No School
    • Friday, May 17
  • Victoria Day - No School
    • Monday, May 20 
  • Grade 7 Students:
    • VSS Tour - *June 10th* - 8:30 - 11:30 AM

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