Friday, May 31, 2024

Agendas: Friday, May 31

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS:
    • First up on the June schedule - head right to the gym when you show up on Monday morning
  • Math:
    • Writing Algebraic Expressions Part 2
  • English:
    • June speech
      • Where are your sources?? Bibliographies are mandatory!
  • Socials:
    • Currencies around the world
  • French:
    • Scripts for Fashion Show - Thursday of next week (June 6)
  • Grade 7 Field Trip Forms
    • VSS Tour - June 10th
    • TRU Tour - June 14th
      • *Lunch is provided - pizza, chips, pop and a snack*
    • There is no money needed for either of these trips
  • Jobs / Desks on Monday
    • Consider your final job of the year
    • Consider what the expectations are for June seating
      • Students will create the criteria for their chosen spot
Reminders / Info:
  • Flag Football - 
    • Jamboree at MacArthur Island 
      • Tuesday, June 4
  • Hot Lunch
    • Wednesday - pizza

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