Thursday, June 20, 2024

Agedas: Thursday, June 20

 What's Going On: 

  • Math:
    • Year in Review - starts tomorrow!
  • Science:
    • Egg drop experiment
  • PE:
    • Outside tomorrow
  • English:
    • Core Competency Term 3 Reflection
      • Will finish tomorrow
  • Library Books 
    • ALL books are now OVERDUE
Reminders / Info:
  • *Grade 7 Students*
    • Bring in a baby photo OR get parent to email one to teacher
  • Field Trip - Monday - all day
    • McArthur Island
      • Bring: lunch, waterbottle, discs (if you have them), a golf putter if you want to mini golf
  • Grade 7 Farewell Celebration
    • Tuesday, June 25
      • Doors open at 10:30, event starts at 11:00
    • Farewell Bash - 2:41 - 6:00 PM
      • Return permission forms to the office to attend this!
  • Locker and Desk Clean Out
    • Wednesday, June 26
      • Bring an extra bag - all personal items must be brought home by the end of today

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