Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Agendas: Wednesday, September 18

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS: 
    • **Footwear reminder**
  • Math:
    • Big numbers - ones to millions
      • The left side of the decimals
  • Socials:
    • Student Vote Lesson 2:
      • Levels of Government
  • French:
    • Basic Numbers
  • Cursive:
    • Started our handwriting journey
      • Letter E
Reminders / Info:
  • Pro D Day - No School
    • Monday, September 23
  • Back to School BBQ: Thursday, September 19
    • 4:30 - 6 PM (when the class will be open)
    • Outside event: runs 5-7 PM
  • Intramural Soccer:
    • Sign up has occured, stay tuned for more announcements
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish
    • Terry Fox Run:
      • Thursday, Sept 26 after recess

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Agendas: Tuesday, September 17

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS: 
    • **Footwear reminder**
  • Math:
    • Small numbers - right of the decimal
      • Tenths, hundredths, thousandths
  • English:
    • Writing Effective Speeches:
      • How to write an introduction
  • French:
    • All About Me
      • Booklets
  • Science:
    • Tomorrow with Mrs. Szydlik
  • Arts Ed:
    • Popsicle Stick Puzzles
  • Library Orientation:
    • Tomorrow morning
    • First day of check out - Thursday this week
Reminders / Info:
  • Forms package - all students
    • Countless signatures required!
      • Fill out and return as soon as possible
      • Pay school fees online preferrably
  • Pro D Day - No School
    • Monday, September 23
  • Back to School BBQ: Thursday, September 19
    • 4:30 - 6 PM (when the class will be open)
    • Outside event: runs 5-7 PM
  • Cross Country Running
    • First Race tomorrow 
      • After school at MacArthur Island
  • Intramural Soccer:
    • Sign up has occured, stay tuned for more announcements
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish
    • Terry Fox Run:
      • Thursday, Sept 26 after recess

Monday, September 16, 2024

Agendas: Monday, September 16

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS: 
    • **Footwear reminder**
  • Math:
    • Intro to place value and decimals
  • English:
    • What makes speeches great!
    • Read aloud assessments: start next week
      • All students will read a passage outloud (privately)
  • Socials:
    • Student Vote Lesson 1:
      • Types of Governments
Reminders / Info:
  • Forms package - all students
    • Countless signatures required!
      • Fill out and return as soon as possible
      • Pay school fees online preferrably
  • Back to School BBQ: Thursday, September 19
    • 4:30 - 6 PM (when the class will be open)
    • Outside event: runs 5-7 PM
  • Cross Country Running
    • Jerseys handed out today
    • Practice Tuesday at lunch
    • First Race: Wednesday of next week
      • After school at MacArthur Island
  • Intramural Soccer:
    • Sign up has occured, stay tuned for more announcements
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish
    • Terry Fox Run:
      • Thursday, Sept 26 after recess

Friday, September 13, 2024

Agendas: Friday, September 13

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS: 
    • Indoor again next week, must have acceptable footwear
  • English:
    • Intro to Reading Power
    • Read aloud assessments: start next week
      • All students will read a passage outloud (privately)
  • ADST:
    • Canvas Design 
      • Transferring rough copies on the canvas 
  • Set up Google Classroom✅
Reminders / Info:
  • Forms package - all students
    • Countless signatures required!
      • Fill out and return as soon as possible
      • Pay school fees online preferrably
  • Back to School BBQ: Thursday, September 19
    • 4:30 - 6 PM (when the class will be open)
    • Outside event: runs 5-7 PM
  • Cross Country Running
    • Practice Tuesday at lunch
    • First Race: Wednesday of next week
      • After school at MacArthur Island
  • Intramural Soccer:
    • Sign up has occured, stay tuned for more announcements
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Agenads: Wednesday, September 11

  What's Going On: 

  • Math:
    • Pico Fermi Bagel and word problems
      • Decimals and Place Value - starts soon!
  • Science:
    • Tomorrow with Mrs. Szydlik
  • Career:
    • Agenda Scavenger Hunt - please finish
    • Show parents our class blog!
      • Valuing the communication loop
  • PE - tomorrow afternoon
  • Library - starts tomorrow hopefully - if not, we will read there anyhow
  • Fire Drill - practice
    • Friday of this week
  • Neighbourhood walking forms - still a few needed
  • Match game: 
    • 508 - move to two matches/toothpicks to make biggest number
      • Challenge a family member and see what they can come up with!
Reminders / Info:
  • Forms package - all students
    • Countless signatures required!
      • Fill out and return as soon as possible
      • Pay school fees online preferrably
  • September newsletter sent home today
  • PAC letter sent home today
    • Back to School BBQ: Thursday, September 19
  • Cross Country Running
    • Practice tomorrow at lunch
    • Return permission form for races to the office
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Agendas: Tuesday, September 10

 What's Going On: 

  • Math:
    • Played card game 'golf' today
  • French:
    • Tomorrow with Mrs. Szydlik
  • PE:
    • Mon/Tues/Thurs
  • Fire Drill - practice
    • Friday of this week
Reminders / Info:
  • Weekly Schedule: sent home today
  • All supplies have been handed out
  • Cross Country Running
    • Practice Thursday at lunch
    • Return permission form for races to Mr. Ruddick
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish

Monday, September 9, 2024

Agendas: Monday, September 9

 What's Going On: 

  • BOKS:
    • Bring proper footwear
  • Walking permission form - sent home already
    • Return it signed as soon as possible
  • Parent welcome letter - sent home Friday
  • Arts Ed:
    • Name Tags - due end of day tomorrow (one more period)
  • Science/French:
    • Tomorrow with Mrs. Sydlik
  • PE:
    • Mon/Tues/Thurs
Reminders / Info:
  • Cross Country Running
    • Practice tomorrow at lunch
  • Toonies for Terry
    • $2 donation for Terry Fox Run if you wish